Aani Instant Payments

Activate Aani on your Mashreq Biz app to collect money.

Collect Payments Instantly

within seconds

QR Code or Merchant Tag (No IBAN required)

*Payer & Beneficiary needs to be enrolled

Safe and secure

Easy and hassle free

Simply log into your Mashreq Biz App, tap ‘Pay’, ‘Collect Money’ and you’re ready to go!

Collect money

Collect money within seconds from enrolled Aani users instantly. All you need is your QR Code or Merchant Tag.

Ways to collect money via Aani

Log into the Mashreq Biz App.
Navigate to Aani Instant Payments.
Tap Collect Money.
Review and confirm the details of your default account where you'll receive money.
Your unique QR code along with Merchant tag will appear on the screen.
Share your QR code through your preferred communication channel or print it for over-the-counter payment acceptance.
Copy your Merchant Tag to share with others or share it alongside your QR code via your preferred communication channel to start collecting payments instantly!

Frequently asked questions

Aani instant payments is a Central Bank of the UAE initiative (UAEIPP, UAE Instant Payment Platform) under NPSS (National Payments Systems Strategy) to provide instant local transfers 24/7.
The features listed below are available under Aani:
  • Collect money either by QR code or merchant tag instantly
  • Download your QR code anytime or share it with your peers
  • Easily switch the default account from your eligible accounts to collect funds
1. Simply log in to your Mashreq Biz app and give your consent for enrolment. 2. Pick your preferred UAE mobile number and AED account number eligible for money transfer. 3. Upon successful enrolment by Mashreq, you will receive confirmation via SMS/Email.
You can collect money from those who are enrolled for Aani instant payments with their participating banks in the UAE and are connected to the UAEIPP service.
You can collect money either by sharing your QR code or merchant tag.
Follow these steps: Log in to your Mashreq Biz app > Click on ‘Pay’ from the menu bar at the bottom > Click on ‘Collect Money’ icon > Click on ‘View QR Code’ below the QR code image > From the listed options, either download or share it with your peers
Follow these steps: Log in to your Mashreq Biz app > Click on ‘Pay' from the menu bar at the bottom > Click on ‘Collect Money’ icon > Click the copy symbol near your merchant tag
You can collect up to AED 50,000 per transaction.
Default account is the account where your incoming Aani instant payments will be credited. You can change your default bank account anytime by logging into Mashreq Biz app and navigating to Pay > Aani Settings > Default account change
1. You will be able to see the mobile number update banner on the dashboard once you log in to Mashreq Biz app. 2. You need to select the preferred mobile number from the list of eligible AED mobile numbers.
Your enrolment will be cancelled, and Aani instant payments will no longer be available for you to collect funds.
Mashreq customers won’t be charged for using Aani instant payments. We will update in case of any further changes.

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